Thursday, January 15, 2009

Copy cats...but it's okay right? I think....

You may have noticed by reading this blog I'm a total music addict. I love Christian music, it's one of my passions. The site is a total God-send cause I go to one site to get all this great info.

At any rate, I went on JFH and was surprised to learn BarlowGirl is now taking a public stance against abortion. My heart began to pound. Bound4Life ( had been praying for an oppurtunity like this one for a while. I went to their site and found out they are starting their own organization called "Never Silence Life." I went to the "About" page. Sounds good. Suddenly it hit me. They are doing EXACTLY what Bound4Life is doing." The tape, making it a prayer meeting and not a protest. However, I became filled with a subtle anger.

I thought, "How can they do this? The Life Tape was Bound4Life's vision! They can't just steal it and make their own organization! This is bullcrap!" But then I realized the irony. Bound4Life isn't out there to make a name for themselves. They are out there praying with Life Tape on their mouths to end abortion. So is Never Silence Life. If they are both trying to accomplish the same goal, who cares what ideas are copied? Everyone is on the same team, to accoplish the same thing, the ending of abortion.

That's my two cents.


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